I. These requirements apply to all suppliers:

   Q1. Flow Down Requirements - All requirements specified in Element Machine’s Purchase Order Clauses Q1 – Q11 and the applicable product-         specific clauses shall be flowed to sub-tier suppliers.

  Q2. Right of Entry – Element Machine, Element Machine’s customers and their customers or any applicable regulatory agency shall have right of      access to all facilities involved in the order at any level of the supply chain and to all applicable records.

  Q3. Quality System – (a) The supplier shall maintain a quality system capable of meeting Element Machine’s requirements for on-time deliveries      and product quality. (b) Element Machine will provide feedback on supplier performance through Non-Conformance Reports, Corrective Action          Requests, or Supplier Scorecards. (c) Supplier shall ensure that their employees are aware of their responsibilities for product/service quality,          product safety, and ethical behavior. (d) The supplier shall control sub-tier procurements to the extent necessary to ensure conformance to the        quality requirements of the purchase order.

  Q4. Notification of Nonconforming Product – The supplier shall immediately notify Element Machine when it is suspected or known that                  nonconforming material has been produced or delivered. The notification must include a clear description of the actual or suspected non                conformance. The supplier shall have a program to prevent and control the introduction of counterfeit materials into the product stream.

  Q5. Notification of Inability to Ship – The supplier shall notify Element Machine as soon as it has been determined that supplier is not able to          ship as specified.

  Q6. Changes in Product, Processes, Suppliers, Manufacturing Location – The supplier shall notify Element Machine of any changes in product or    process definition, suppliers, or location of the manufacturing facility and obtain Element Machine’s approval.

  Q7. Use of Customer Approved Special Process Sources – The supplier shall use and direct sub-tier suppliers to use Element Machine or Element    Machine’s customer’s designated suppliers as instructed on Element Machine’s purchase order.

  Q8. Packaging & Preservation & FOD Prevention – The supplier shall ensure that packaging and preservation is adequate to prevent damage or      deterioration during shipment to Element Machine.  The supplier shall maintain a FOD Prevention Program in compliance with AS 9146, Foreign        Object Damage Prevention Program - Requirements for Aviation, Space, & Defense Organizations.

  Q9. Records – Supplier shall retain and maintain quality records pertaining to the purchase from deterioration for a minimum of ten years                unless otherwise specified by purchase order.

  Q10. Hazardous Material – The supplier shall furnish applicable Material Safety Data Sheets for products designated by industry, state, or federal    agencies as hazardous materials.

  Q11. Release of Information – Except as required by law, no public release of any information, confirmation or denial of the subject matter of        this purchase order shall be made without prior written authorization by Element Machine or its customer. Access to the information contained in    this order shall be provided only to employees or suppliers “with the need to know” (for the performance of this order) and who are under              obligation to hold such information in confidence.

II. Additional product-specific requirements:
   Q12. OEM’s Certificates of Analysis - Mill or product certificates denoting chemical and physical properties shall accompany each lot/shipment.

   Q13. Domestic Specialty Metals – Raw materials shall not be procured from foreign agencies or produced in non-domestic mills unless previously     approved by Element Machine. Specialty metals identified in DFARS Clause 252.225-7014 which have been melted outside the United States, its       possessions, or Puerto Rico are prohibited and must be approved by Element Machine prior to shipment. If approval is granted, an independent         laboratory analysis may be required.

   Q14. Certificate of Conformance – The supplier shall submit 1 copy of the supplier’s Certificate of Conformance with each shipment.

   Q15. Required Test Specimens – The supplier shall provide test coupons or specimens as requested by Element Machine’s purchase order.

   Q16. Required Test, Inspections, & Related Instructions – The supplier shall perform or obtain tests and/or inspections and provide the                 resulting data to Element Machine prior to shipment or with shipment of the product, as instructed on Element Machine’s purchase order.

   Q17. Inspections - A dimensional inspection report is required.  First articles must conform to form AS9102.  

   Q18. Calibration Services - Calibration certificate traceable to NIST.

   Q19. Export Compliance – Supplier shall maintain procedures to prevent the disclosure of technical data and products in this purchase order in       written, oral or visual form to any foreign national without prior export authorization from the U.S. Department of State (Reference 22CFR Part       120-130 International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and 15CFR Part 730-744 Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

These clauses apply for the commodities shown below. The purchase order provides further clarification and additional information, if necessary.

Form 300-0.2 Revision E




(714) 905-5366


ITAR Registration

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AS9100 Cert - Element Machine